Wednesday, April 25, 2012

register a STS through powershell

You will have to do this using PowerShell.  This page provides general guidance on how accomplish that, but it seems to be based on configuring federation with Geneva server.  However, I've been able to adapt this to create a custom Federated Identity Provider based on a custom STS.  I used one from the Identity Developer Training Kit as a model.  The process goes a little something like this:

1. Make sure you save the signing certificate from your STS somewhere like the c:\ drive.
2. Make sure your STS is deployed in IIS somewhere and works wiht a standard ASP.NET application. The STS examples in the training kit might be a good place to start.
3. Create a new web app. Make sure its in Claims Mode.
4. On the SP2010 server, run the following SharePoint Powershell commands:

$cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2("c:\sts_signing.cer")
$map1 = New-SPClaimTypeMapping "" -IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "EmailAddress" -SameAsIncoming
$realm = "urn:" + $env:ComputerName + ":domain-int"
$signinurl = "https://localhost/yourcustom_sts/login.aspx"
New-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer -Name "CustomSTS" -Description "Test STS" -Realm $realm -ImportTrustCertificate $cert -ClaimsMappings $map1 -SignInUrl $signinurl -IdentifierClaim $map1.InputClaimType

5. You should be able to at least add the new Federated Identity Provider by highlighting the web app and clicking the "Authentication" button in the ribbon.
6. If you left Negotiate enabled, subsequent logon attempts to that web app will result in a login page with a drop down listbox so you can pick your identity provider.

Whether this actually works, though, is an entirely different matter.  I'm having issues with it and am going write a separate post for that.

:: Travis Nielsen
:: PointBridge

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