1. install Git-SVN bash for windows. https://git-scm.com/download/win (64-bit Git for Windows Portable.)
2. From cmd to launch MinGW64
start "" "C:\Admin\PortableGit-2.43.0-64-bit.7z\bin\bash.exe"
3. From MinGW64
mkdir -p ~/GitMigration
4. create a user transformation file
svn log http://dshsutlcy3dut02.dshs.wa.lcl:9083/svn/DSHS-CA/sacwis-web/branches/DCYF/Sprint-Active --quiet | grep -E "r[0-9]+ \| .+ \|" | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | sort | uniq > svn-authors.txt
jdoe = John Doe <john.doe@gmail.com>
esmith = Emma Smith <emma.smith@gmail.com>
first column is SVN user and 2nd column is Git user
5. create an empty git repository from TFS and copy the git command for http
6. git svn clone http://dshsutlcy3dut02.dshs.wa.lcl:9083/svn/DSHS-CA/sacwis-build-xml/branches/DCYF/Sprint-Active/sacwis-web-tfs-build-xml SVNGit --authors-file=../authors-transform.txt -r 9750:HEAD
check out svn to a git folder
7. clean up
for t in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes/tags); do git tag ${t/tags\//} $t && git branch -D -r $t; done
for b in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes); do git branch $b refs/remotes/$b && git branch -D -r $b; done;
for p in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' | grep @); do git branch -D $p; done;
8. create a repository on Git server (etc. devopts) (this is an optional step if you want to check in Git)
git remote add origin http://dshsutoly3dut06:8080/tfs/CATS/FamlinkClassic/_git/sacwis-git
git remote set-url origin https://weiwang0944@dev.azure.com/weiwang0944/pltest1/_git/migration
git push origin --all;
git push origin --tags;
git push origin master:Sprint-Active (push a particular local branch to a particular remote branch git push origin local:remoe)
(Cannot determine the organization name for this 'dev.azure.com' remote url. ensure the credential.usehttppath
configuration value is set, or set the organization name as the user in the remote url '{org}@dev.azure.com'.)
git config --global credential.useHttpPath true (for SSO login issue above)
git remote add origin https://weiwang0944@dev.azure.com/weiwang0944/pltest1/_git/migration
reset origin if needed
install git-tf
cd to SVNGit on cmd
1. set origin
git-tf configure http://dshsutoly3dut06:8080/tfs/CATS $/FamlinkClassic/sacwis-build-xml/GitTFS
2. check in
git-tf checkin --deep
I was recently working on a migration project which involved migrating our codebase from SVN to GitHub. After a few trials and errors and plenty of hours searching the web for best practices, I finally managed to develop a system that did not cause any tears during the process and I thought it would be nice to share it with you.
I have broken down this migration process into 4 simple steps:
- Prepare your environment
- Convert your SVN repository to a local git repository
- Convert any large files to lfs objects (if needed)
- Push the new git repository to GitHub
Prepare your environment
On your local machine create a GitMigration folder which will host your new git repo: mkdir -p ~/GitMigration
In another command line update the SVN repo to make sure that you have the latest revisions. It would be also wise to inform your team that you are starting the migration and no more commits will be allowed to be pushed to SVN until the migration process is complete.
Once that is done you will need to create an authors.txt file. This will map the SVN usernames to the desired Git usernames in the following format:
jdoe = John Doe <john.doe@gmail.com>
esmith = Emma Smith <emma.smith@gmail.com>
If you don’t want to find all the authors in the SVN manually you can pull the data from the SVN repository using the following command, just make sure that the final format follows the same structure as above:
svn log -q | awk -F '|' '/^r/ {gsub(/ /, "", $2); sub(" $", "", $2); print $2" = "$2" <"$2">"}' | sort -u > authors.txt
Convert your SVN repository to a local git repository
If you want to only migrate commits from a certain time period, you will need to locate the revision number in the SVN repo. To do this execute the following command in the svn repo folder:
svn log -r {YYYY-DD-MM}:HEAD --limit 1
Within the GitMigration folder execute the following command:
git svn clone <svn-repo>/<project> <git-repo-name> --authors-file=authors.txt -r <revision-number>:HEAD
Where <svn-repo> is the URI of the SVN repository that you want to migrate, <project> is the name of the project that you want to import, and <revisions-number> is the revision number that you want to migrate from (if needed). The<git-repo-name> is the directory name of the new Git repository. This process might take a while, depending on the size of the SVN commits.
Now comes the clean-up, moving the tags and any remote refs to local branches. To move the tags to proper Git tags execute the following within the git repo directory:
for t in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes/tags); do git tag ${t/tags\//} $t && git branch -D -r $t; done
Next, move any references under refs/remote and turn them to local branches
for b in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes); do git branch $b refs/remotes/$b && git branch -D -r $b; done;for p in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' | grep @); do git branch -D $p; done;
Convert any large files to LFS objects
GitHub has a file limit of 100MB, anything over that size will be refused to be pushed into GitHub. This is where Git Large File Storage (LFS) comes in. Git LFS replaces any large files with text pointers inside Git while storing the file contents on a remote server. There are many benefits to using LFS such as
- Large file versioning
- More repository space
- Faster cloning and fetching
- Same Git workflow
- Same access controls and permissions
To find out how many files that are above the 100MB limit run the following command:
git lfs migrate info --everything --above=99MB
this will print out information about the different file types in your repo that are above the 99MB mark (as shown below).
To convert the files to LFS file objects run the following command:
git lfs migrate import --everything --above=99MB
This will rewrite the history of the git repo that contained any files that were above 99MB and convert them to LSF objects.
Push the new git repository to GitHub
The final step is to add the remote git server and push the changes.
git remote add origin git@my-git-server:myrepository.gitgit push origin --all;git push origin --tags;
And that’s it! Congratulations, you have migrated your SVN repo into Git. The next step is to inform your team that the migration is complete and provide them access to the new remote git server.
Now drop into the git repository you want to push to TFS and enter
git tf configure http://tfsserver:8080/tfs $/Scanner/Main
Wherehttp://tfsserver:8080/tfs is the collection path for your TFS server and$/Scanner/Main is the server path to which you’re pushing. This will modify your .git/config file and add the following:
[git-tf “server”] collection =http://tfsserver:8080/tfs serverpath =$/Scanner/Main
Your git repository now knows a bit about TFS. All you need to do now is push your git code up and that can be done using
git tf checkin --deep
This will push all the commits on the mainline of your git repo up into TFS. Without the ““deep flag only the latest commit will be submitted.
There are a couple of gotchas around branching. You may get this error:
git-tf: cannot check in - commit 70350fb has multiple parents, please rebase to form a linear history or use –shallow or –autosquash
You canflattenyour branches by either rebasing or by passing git-tf the ““autosquash flag which will attempt to flatten the branching structure automatically. I’m told that autosquashing can consume a lot of memory if there are a lot of commits in the repository. I have not had any issue but my repositories are small and my machine has 16GB of memory.
Now you have move all your source code over to TFS. Yay.
I’m not going to point out that if you keep git-tf around you can continue to work as if you have git and just push commits to TFS. That would likely be against your company’s policies
Creating a git develop branch
You can list all of your current branches like this:
git branch -a
This shows all of the local and remote branches. Assuming you only have a single master
branch, you'd see the following:
* master
The *
means the current branch.
To create a new branch named develop, use the following command:
git checkout -b develop
The -b
flag creates the branch. Listing the branches now should show:
* develop
Changing branches
You shouldn't commit anything directly to the master
branch. Instead do all your work on the develop
branch and then merge develop into master
whenever you have a new public release.
You are already in your develop branch, but if you weren't, the way to switch is as follows:
git checkout develop
That's the same way you create a branch but without the -b
Making changes on develop
When making changes, add and commit as usual:
git add .
git commit -m "whatever"
The first time you push to your remote do it like so:
git push -u origin develop
The -u
flag stands for --set-upstream
. After the first time you only need to do it like this:
git push
Merging develop to master
Once your develop
is ready to merge into master
you can do it like so:
First switch to your local master branch:
git checkout master
To merge develop into master do the following:
git merge develop
Then push the changes in local master to the remote master:
git push
Deleting a branch
If you don't need the develop
branch anymore, or you just want to delete it and start over, you can do the following:
Delete the remote develop branch:
git push -d origin develop
Then delete the local branch:
git branch -d develop
The -d
means delete.
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email "johndoe@email.com"